Should Manifold Markets implement this feature: support Markdown in the description field
Ṁ25Feb 1
Markdown is a light-weight, text-only format for writing rich text (i.e., bold text, italics, hyperlinks, lists, etc.).
Here is the original Markdown specification:
Here is a more-complete specification based on the original markdown:
Markdown is widely used, such as by Stack Overflow (, GitHub (, and Reddit (
Resolution: I commit to resolving this question according to whichever option gets the most support (i.e., "no" if %chance is less than 50, "yes" if % chance is greater than 50, and "N/A" if % chance is exactly 50). See here for a request to make this kind of thing a feature:
#ManifoldMarkets #FeatureRequest
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I think Markdown could make sense and not be too hard technically. In my head, it'd be one additional toggle the market creator can set (whether to render as plaintext or markdown).
One complicating factor: we'd probably need to support editing descriptions (because it's really easy to mess up your Markdown), which conflicts a bit with the original append-only design. Append-only has the virtue of making all edits public. (One hybrid: allow edits within 1hr of posting, and appending afterwards)
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